Thursday, 15 April 2010

No water supply @ Bond Uni

Heyhey allemaal,
Geen spectaculaire foto's meer van trips... Alle studenten hebben examens, en ik profiteer ervan om ook wat door te werken in de weekends zodat ik hopelijk een lang weekend kan nemen wanneer de andere studenten vakantie hebben.

Toch wel even een grappig nieuwtje: Bond University heeft zijn beste crisis-management moeten bovenhalen vorige week maandag en dinsdag!

Maandag morgend om 11u kregen we deze mail
Please be advised that due to a major water leak, Facilities Management will be shutting off all water to the University until further notice. This problem is being worked on and we hope to have water restored as soon as possible. We appreciate your understanding and ask for your patience.

Om 2u smiddags kregen we volgende mail:
Facilities Management wish to advise that works are continuing to repair the major water leak.

As a result, all University buildings will currently be experiencing low water pressure (in praktijk = geen water)Facilities Management will advise if water is required to be shut off to any buildings.

Om 5u 's avonds volgende email
Please be advised that due to the major water leak, all water to the University will shortly be shut off until further notice. Whilst this problem is being worked on, we request that all staff & students please refrain from using all campus water facilities (including kitchens, bathrooms, toilets etc). We shall endeavour to have services resolved as soon as possible.
Om 8u 's avonds valt de regen met bakken uit de lucht... maar nog steeds geen water. In de koten van op de campus wordt via luidsprekers omgeroepen dat elke student met zijn studentenkaart 2 flesjes water kan gaan halen aan Bond Cafe: heel de campus in beweging op zoek naar water.

's Morgens opstaan: geen water. We gaan ontbijten en opnieuw krijgen we 2 flesjes water... nog geen oplossing.

Dinsdag om 9u smorgens volgende email..
Firstly we wish to sincerely apologize for the major inconvenience that the prolonged interruption in water supply has caused.
The repair crew thought that replacement pipes had been located at the GCCC late last night, but on delivery it was discovered that the existing pipes are in a size which is no longer manufactured and therefore unavailable. Right now adapters are being collected from Brisbane which will enable the fitting of the replacement pipe to the existing pipes.
We are continuing to work on the restoration of water supply and will give hourly email updates until it is fixed. The next will be at 10.00am. If there is good news we will advise immediately.
In the meantime please note the following:
·         Free bottled drinking water is available for collection from Cafe Bond, the Accommodation Office and Cafe Papyrus.
·         Fully operational toilets are accessible in the old CEE building (the building at the Ring Rd entry to campus), and fully operational showers and toilets are available in the Sports Clubhouse on the playing fields.
·         ISS cleaning staff are using buckets to flush toilets which have been used.
·         The interruption in supply has been notified to the Fire Brigade and we are not in breach of fire regulations
De enige toiletten die werken bevinden zich dus op 5minuten wandelen van de campus! Een uur later krijgt de staff van mijn faculteit bericht dat van thuis gewerkt mag worden wegens de omstandigheden.
Om 12u smiddags (na 24u zonder water) volgend nieuws
The replacement pipes have been delivered and it appears with the necessary fittings also available a repair can be effected.  We are hopeful that the supply will be restored by early afternoon
Om 13u smiddags eindelijk iets beter nieuws:

We have been advised that the water will be turned on soon.  We need to have people on standby at the highest point (top floor of each building only) so that the taps can be turned on on these floors – which will include the hand basins, sinks, BUT NOT SHOWERS, so that the air can escape from the plumbing. Taps should be allowed to run for around 5 minutes to allow air and impurities to escape.
I will advise when this is to occur.  If you cannot cover your building please advise immediately and we will try and make alternative arrangements.
Om 2u smiddags WATER na 27u

I am pleased to be able to finally confirm that water supply is now restored to the campus. Some taps may deliver discoloured water when first turned on. This is not an issue and taps should be allowed to run to flush out any impurities.
Toilets are also now OK to flush in your area and this should be done if needed.

Hahaha, eigenlijk echt wel grappig, hoe de unif zonder water op zijn kop kan staan! De updates via mail waren soms echt te grappig. Ik wist niet dat we dus zoveel water nodig hadden.
Het grappige is ook dat de unif net deze dagen een audit had.... de mensen die deze moesten uitvoeren waren dus niet zo blij!!!

Tot zover het nieuws :-)

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